Hello, SHINee World in here~~ ^o^

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Min Ho me2day at his b`day

‎[me2day] Minho me2day update 111210

[민호] 생일이…끝났습니다^^ 너무 감사하고 또 감사합니다…우리 더 좋은 추억 만들기로 한 것 잊지않았죠?^^

[Minho] My birthday … is over^^ thank you so much and thank you again.. We made a good memories,and can’t forget it,right?^^

[Minho] Ulang tahun saya...telah selesai^^ terima kasih banyak dan terima kasih lagi.. Kami membuat kenangan yang baik, dan tidak bisa melupakannya, kan^^?

SHINee at Min Ho b`day party :D


Hello everyone I’m Minho.In Korea, ETUDE HOUSE shooting Scene.Really cold, ah…Recently have schedule in Korea and Japan and also another country, the temprature change really fast so it was difficult to choose what clothes to wear.We come again to Japan this month,really happy can meet fans there.Please wait to the next album

‎[From. Min Ho] 안녕하세요~ 민호 입니다.^^

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